Psalter manuscript

Psalm 15: Who may dwell on Zion’s hill?


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Who may dwell on Zion’s hill?
He who is pure and blameless,
Doing with great strength of will
Deeds marked by loving kindness;
Speaking what is wholly true,
Heart and mouth in unity;
Faithful to his neighbour too,
Resisting all that’s evil.

When his friends are criticised
He to their rescue rises.
Never countenancing lies
From those who are seditious;
Blessing those who fear the Lord,
Hating all who turn aside;
Honours he by deed and word
Those looking for God’s kingdom.

Faithful to his solemn pledge
In circumstances horrid;
Though his feet be on the edge
He will not be dissuaded;
Freely lending to the poor,
He will never be induced
To distort the rule of law
Mindful of the defenceless.

He who does such things shall be
By God firmly established!

Steve Layfield

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