Psalm 28: Unto You, O Lord, my Rock I call
Unto You, O Lord, my Rock I call,
Don’t be silent to my cry;
If the words I set before Your throne
Be unheard I’d rather die!
Hear my humble cry for mercy
See these hands before Your face;
Living God of all the universe
Send Your mercy to this place.
Holy Master don’t abandon me
With the godless to the grave,
Give to those who trade in wickedness
What their cruel hearts deserve;
Who are blind to what their Maker,
All around them every day,
Manifests of His own glory
In the slendour of His way.
Blessed be the Lord for He has heard
These petitions I have made;
Who provides me with a strong defense
When my own resources fade.
Noble Saviour of Your people,
Mighty Shepherd of Your sheep
By the strength of Your almighty hand
This, Your feeble servant, keep.
Steve Layfield