Psalm 83: O God, be not still and so silent
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O God, be not still and so silent
While the heads of Your enemies stir;
With both craft and conceit they conspire to defeat
Precious saints of Your own heart’s desire.
Saying, “come, let us wipe out this nation.
Let us Israel’s name disregard.”
Who together agree, in the things that they see
That the heart of their Maker is marred.
All the rebels of Ammon, of Moab and Edom,
With people of Gebal and Tyre,
Joined the Amalekites
And corrupt Ishmaelites
To make war!
Do to them as you did unto Midian;
Strike them through like old Sisera too.
Let them be all be cast down in a heap on the ground,
Never more to despise what You do!
Make their nobles like Oreb and Ze-eb,
All their princes like cruel Ze-bah
Who said, “Let us now rob these lush pastures of God.” –
Like dry tumbleweed blown; like fresh chaff that is thrown
On a fire that consumes mountain trees in its fumes
Make them suffer the blast of Your fury at last – cast them down!
[Instrumental OR …..
All the rebels of Ammon, of Moab and Edom,
With people of Gebal and Tyre,
Joined the Amalekites
And the cruel Ishmaelites
To make war!]
Let the faces of all who oppose You
Be adorned every one with their shame,
So that men everywhere seek for refuge in prayer
‘Neath the power and fame of your glorious Name,
Till at last everyone trusts alone in the Son,
Till the truth of Your reign over every domain fills the air!
Steve Layfield