How are we to discern right from wrong?
- 6 February 2012
Two weeks ago I asked innocently a group of young intellectuals whether they sympathised with the captain of Concordia, the ship which capsized off the coast of Giglio, when he abandoned ship well before the passengers stranded on it (see here).
To my surprise, about half of them said they did sympathise with him! Huh? Yes, it was quite plain that several of these young folk identified well with Captain Schettino’s decision to put his own safety well before the safety & security of others.
But why should I be so surprised? After all, the message of ‘religious indifference & liberal values’ has been preached loud and clear throughout our society for decades. The cultural air we breathe is screaming out, ‘there is no God, there are no moral absolutes, the values I adopt are my own and are only true for me’, etc,…
These are students who have attended a school where they have heard ‘gospel teaching’ day in, day out for several years. This is both sad & tragic because what they have not seemingly comprehended is the basic fact that, according to Scripture, there is just ONE UNIVERSAL STANDARD OF RIGHTEOUSNESS. That standard is God’s own standard, summarised in the 10 commandments of the Old Testament, acknowledged in various formal creeds & teachings of the Christian Church (e.g. Westminster Confession, 39 Articles, etc) down through centuries.
Until the Christian Church recovers her commitment to these creeds & begins to re-affirm the commandments of God as THE ONLY ABSOLUTE STANDARD OF RIGHT & WRONG she will never regain power and influence in the world. Listen here (see below) to Dr Greg Bahnsen expound skilfully & comprehensively the ‘theonomic approach to Christian ethics’ which alone comprehends the true scope & significance of God’s Law for contemporary life & society.
Many Christians carelessly imagine that Jesus somehow abrogated (cancelled) the OT Law, bringing grace & forgiveness to light in its place. Jesus utterly refutes this (dispensational) notion in Matthew 5 v17-19: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfil. For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled. Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”
If you think Dr Bahnsen’s thesis is easily refuted, PLEASE let me know! Enjoy these wonderful messages. Encourage your friends & fellow Christians to wake up & affirm God’s Law for today.
Theonomic Approach to Ethics 1/6 Who’s in Charge Here? (Luke 6:44)
Theonomic Approach to Ethics 2/6 Has God Changed His Mind? (Matthew 5:16-20)
Theonomic Approach to Ethics 3/6 How is the Old Testament Old? (Hebrews 8:13-10:1)
Theonomic Approach to Ethics 4/6 No King but Caesar? (John 19:15)
Theonomic Approach to Ethics 5/6 When is Punishment Criminal? (Hebrew 2:1-4)
Theonomic Approach to Ethics 6/6 The Law: To Criticize or Obey? (James 4:1-12)