Hebrews 11 > Faith’s Perspective
Faith is certainty of hope we yet don’t see …
Patriarchs were for it blessed;
Guided by God’s hand safely into Canaan
Noble saints found promised rest
Within a land they called their home
Set apart by heaven’s throne!
By such faith we strive, enemies we vanquish,
Christ alone is all we plead;
Drawn ahead by light, battle-scarred and wounded,
Holy truth is all we need
As pilgrims destined soon to be
Heirs of life and liberty!
Christian pilgrim
Bear with scorn and cruel
Slander patiently;
Death can’t crush you
Daily seek for heaven’s kingdom
Till all nations see….(‘Maranatha!’)
Fight with all your might, press on through this darkness,
Wield the holy sword of truth;
Captive take each thought, conquer every idol
You shall gain eternal life –
Sanctified to shine,
Called at last to dine
At the solemn Marriage Feast,
Heirs of everlasting peace!
Steve Layfield – April 2013