Psalter manuscript

Exodus 19: The Giving of God’s Holy Law


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Tune = Bob Dylan: ‘Make you feel my love’

When the Lord on Sinai’s Mount came down
Solemn trumpets filled the air with sound;
Fiercest thunder closing all around
Announced the voice of God!

Summoned from a place of trembling fear
Moses interceding ventured near
Whence the things he heard with his own ear
Became the living Word!

“Recall the fall of Egypt’s cruellest kings
And how they drowned beneath the sea;
Did I not bear you up on eagles’ wings
And in My mercy set you free?”

Now therefore if we shall God’s voice obey
As covenant keepers in the Narrow Way
Sanctifying all we do and say
His favour we shall find.

Within the darkness of a stormy cloud
The God of heaven was concealed;
In loving kindness for all men most proud
Precepts most holy were revealed!

Called every tribe and tongue henceforth to show,
As priests of Jesus, heaven’s way to go,
We must, as subjects of His crowning, grow
His kingdom in our land.

Steve Layfield – November 2013

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