Deuteronomy 28: Blessings & Cursings
If we be careful with single hearts,
Truly keeping Christ’s commandments in all we do
Then the Lord our God will carry our feet on high
And we’ll be blessed!
Blessed in the city, blessed in the field
Blessed in the fullness of the harvest the land will yield
While the troubles of our enemies seal our peace
In days of grace!
Why, why are the windows of heavenly sky
Firmly bolted unopened?
Why, why do we suffer the blind to disdain
Holy truth God has spoken?
It seems that we’re afraid to stand
Believing unseen hands constrain each providence…
But if, indulging hearts of stone,
Sacred Scripture lies discarded upon the floor
Muddled thinking will abound and confuse your way
And curse your stride
Cruel oppression – hellish tyranny –
Will mark the seasons of your labours and all you do
Till the children you have prayed for fall down and cry
Yearning to die!
Why, why are the windows of heavenly sky
Firmly bolted unopened?
Why, why do we suffer the blind to disdain
Holy truth God has spoken?
It seems that we’re afraid to stand
Believing unseen hands constrain each providence…
Steve Layfield