Psalter manuscript

Isaiah 55 – Ho! Everyone who is thirsty


This text will be replaced

Can you hear midst the noise that surrounds you
A whispering voice in your ear?
Listen up for the sound of its summon,
Kick the shoes from your feet and draw near,
…very near!
Why exchange all the money you’ve toiled for
For a morsel of crusty old bread
When there’s heavenly food in abundance
You can nourish yourself with instead?
…Yes indeed!

Ho! Everyone who is thirsty
Drink your fill from the Fountain divine
Come feast like a king, you who hunger,
There is milk freshly poured and new wine
…very fine!

Do you know of My covenant mercy
And My promise to David of old?
That ‘in Christ’ all the nations and heathen
By the gospel of life shall be called?
…yes indeed!
They in time will abandon their idols
Subtle counterfeit ‘knowledge’ and lies
They will run like the wind to His shelter
As the ray of God’s truth fills their eyes
…like the Sun!

Ho! Everyone who is thirsty
Drink your fill from the Fountain divine
Come feast like a king, you who hunger,
There is milk freshly poured and new wine
…very fine!

‘Are the thoughts that you find yourself pondering
Firmly anchored to Christ and His word?
Is ‘Autonomous Reasoning’ – not Scripture! –
In the depth of your soul as a god?
…how absurd!
Admit that you really know nothing,
Confess that your worldview’s a sham;
Recognise that the folly of heaven
Is much wiser than the wisdom of man!
…yes it is!

Ho! Everyone who is thirsty
Drink your fill from the Fountain divine
Come feast like a king, you who hunger,
There is milk freshly poured and new wine
…very fine!

As the rain that distils from the mountains
To the trees of the field life supplies
Holy truth will produce in due seasons
A sanctified yield from the skies
…before our very eyes!
Then the kingdoms of earth under heaven
Will break forth into jubilant song
For the cypress and myrtle will flourish
But the brier and thorn shall be gone!

Steve Layfield – March 2014

The tune for this was written in 1966 by Peter Sarsted – the original version was ‘Where do you go to my lovely?’

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