Psalter manuscript

John 3:1-12 > Nicodemus


“Señor, Señor
We perceive that you’re from heaven
For these mighty deeds you’re doing
No man on earth has done before!
Can you tell us what they signify Señor?”

Señor, Señor
What I say to you is certain
Not a soul will see God’s heaven
Till by the Spirit he’s reborn;
Mark My counsel and My words to you Señor!

“Can a man as old as me be born a second time?
What you say to me’s a mystery that overwhelms my mind!
Is there room within the womb of her who mothered me?
There’s no blindness in my mind, behold, I am a Pharisee!”

Señor, Señor
You won’t ever enter Zion
If tradition you rely on
You need God’s Spirit that’s for sure
Bow beneath His holy waterfall Señor!

You’re a teacher and a preacher in Jerusalem
But you’re captive to the crowds enchanted by Leviathan!
If you don’t believe and won’t receive what I testify of earth
You won’t understand if I speak of lands of even greater worth!”

Señor, Señor
None to glory has ascended
Save the Son who once descended;
He’s the Way, the Truth and Life you’re looking for.
Step inside the Door or turn aside Señor!

Steve Layfield – July 2014

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