If The People of My Name (2Chronicles 7v14)
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I wrote this short ‘chorus’ recently after joining with several other fellow saints for a conference on ‘Rebuilding the Ruins’ of our Christian heritage. Nearly a hundred Christians over the past few months have joined our ‘Christian Antilockdown’ Telegram Group – Hope, Truth & Light. We are believers from all over the UK who are utterly convinced we are being manipulated and subjected to ‘establishment tyranny’ under the guise of a ‘scamdemic’. We’re not Covid deniers, but rather believe that it has actually been medically not much worse than a bad flu virus in terms of its physiological impact on society. Alas, Covid has been weaponised by the mainstream media to instill fear among the masses. Church leaders have largely rolled over; relatively few have been able to discern what’s really been going on.
Anyhow, one dear soul, has been a stalwart friend and fellow soldier in all that’s unfolded. She lives by herself in Scotland looking after her elderly mother & two precious cats! This text from 2Chronicles 7 has been a recurring thought for her and several of us in our Group.
May the Lord make use of this prayer as we sing it occasionally together.