Psalter manuscript

Psalm 19: The sky each night


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The sky each night is filled with tokens of God’s care;
Amazing testimonies cry out everywhere.
No nation, tribe or tongue can fail to understand
The revelation of His mind by His own hand.

The glory of the morning sun, with beams so bright,
Arises like a youthful bridegroom from the night.
Its path across the sky, like Asahel in flight,
Shines forth with radiant heat and life-sustaining light.

The perfect law of God illuminates my eyes;
The simple-minded by these precepts are made wise.
More precious than fine gold, more sweet than honeycomb –
Blessed are the ones who keep them and, by them, are warned.

What man on earth can fully comprehend his way?
This foolish servant stumbles many times each day!
Let not my sinful nature overwhelm my heart,
Accept my thoughts and words and keep me set apart.

Steve Layfield

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