Psalter manuscript

Psalm 53: The fool is blind


The fool is blind to cool design in all the things he sees –
The flowers in the garden and the birds high in the trees;
His heart, mind and tongue all belie sin’s deep disease.

From high up in the sky the Lord each citizen surveys
To see if there is just one man who’s just in all his ways –
One man faithfully following all that his conscience says.

Yet far and wide, where men reside, He finds that there is none;
But rather, in a mutinous rebellion, they’ve become
Consumed with self-worship, rank traitors everyone.

The cities of iniquity, it’s plain for me to see,
Know nothing while they feast upon God’s people hungrily;
Watch out, He will arise scattering their bones like debris.

O mighty Lord, come wield Your word, let Israel be saved;
Raise up Your church, let grace and truth be everywhere conveyed.
Rejoice, O Zion’s children, no longer be afraid.

Steve Layfield

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