Psalter manuscript

Psalm 119 – TAU: O God on high


O God on high, let this my humble cry
Before Your throne be heard;
My lowly heart, Lord, teach so I might live
According to Your word.
These thoughts that I declare, in solemn prayer,
Are full of consecrated praise;
For everywhere I go Your precious word
Gives meaning to my ways!

My feeble tongue will speak with everyone
Of treasures I have found
Within Your Word, on every single page,
To mend my fallen mind.
Since You have given me true liberty,
My soul delights in all Your Law;
With Your own righteousness my life is blessed;
Your precepts I adore!

O Lord I long to see the whole world won
And righteousness prevail;
Deliverance, Lord, send and rescue me
For I am weak and frail.
For I had gone astray and turned away
Just like a mountain grazing sheep;
Come seek Your servant, Lord, for Your commands
I daily strive to keep!

Steve Layfield

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