Psalter manuscript

Psalm 145: Each day I’ll lift my voice and sing


Each day I’ll lift my voice and sing to Christ my King
And I will say, ‘Let all men celebrate!’ for He is greatly to be
Praised from age to age, in every foreign land,
For all He’s done establishing His throne
In mighty wonders He’s made known at His command.

We see the wonders of design though most are blind
And stubbornly refuse to glorify the Lord on high who is
The Maker of all things, majestic King of kings,
Whose works declare so loudly everywhere
He is most worthy to receive the praise we bring.

Behold the sphere of His domain where now He reigns;
He will uphold the godly and the meek when they are weakened in their
Seasons of desire and trouble when they stray,
For He shall hear petitions that they bear
Beseeching God to spare them from His vengeance Day.

The eyes of all that you have made are upwards raised
For You’ve devised the seasons and the times that fruitful trees should
Satisfy our daily needs and fill us with delight;
Yet overall Your grace and mercy falls
Upon that man who heeds Your call to do what’s right.

O Christ, we’ll magnify and praise for endless days
The sacrifice by which you paid the solemn priestly-price of all our
Foolishness and pride when we were gone astray;
Let all the world – each sheep within its fold –
Express the manifold perfections of Your way.

Steve Layfield

* See here for further instructions on how to obtain these chords.

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