New to ‘blogging’…
- 24 April 2011
Hi & thanks for taking the time to visit The web-page design team insist that I should spend a little time occasionally writing a ‘blog’. I’m afraid it might miss the mark a little in terms of what’s ‘typically’ posted, but here goes anyway.
First I’d like to thank my family and close friends for the support, patience & prayers over this past few years during which this vision has been incubating. I seem to have been on a long journey which has led me inexorably to where I stand today in terms of the world-view convictions I wish to see promoted through the singing of these psalms. The various details of the paradigm I want to set before you represent the fruit of much reading, prayer and study over many years. The development of the internet, anticipated in Daniel (see 12:4?!), enables today those who continue to seek, beyond their conversion, to grow in wisdom, knowledge and understanding to do so. I confess at the outset, that the traditions I have come to love and respect as representing authentic Biblical Christianity are those we might label Augustinian and Calvinistic – i.e. Protestant and Reformed. Personally, I subscribe to the Westminster Confession of Faith see here.
Those who have influenced me greatly in recent years include Matthew Henry, Patrick Fairburn, Jonathan Edwards (not the triple jumper!), RL Dabney, Abraham Kuyper, Francis Schaeffer, CS Lewis and especially Dr Cornelius Van Til.
In the writings of Van Til I have found a rich vein of theology, philosophy and general analysis of apologetic issues masterfully handled and clinically expounded. I have greatly appreciated the apologetic teaching ministry of his prodigy Dr Greg Bahnsen and the writings of others who, following Van Til’s principles, developed a distinctive challenge to the pietistic ‘orthodoxy’ of contemporary evangelicalism. Two key persons stand out for special mention: Dr Francis Nigel Lee and the late Rousas Rushdoony. More recently I have found much profit in listening to Rev Joe Morecraft, Doug Wilson and Gary DeMar’s ministry team at American Vision.
I will endeavour to unpack the various elements that constitute my agenda (we all have one!) in subsequent posts. Watch this space!
Today has been a blessed and special occasion. We (Maria and I) have been joined by close family (Dave, Kerry, Ben, Caleb, Josiah, Bethan, Jon, Sarah, Andy, Sam, Jessica, and friends (Inga, Nix and Carlis) for a sumptuous Easter lunch on our back garden in the sunshine. The words I read this morning at breakfast seem to fit like a glove:
Blessed are all who fear the LORD, who walk in obedience to him. You will eat the fruit of your labour; blessings and prosperity will be yours. Your wife will be like a fruitful vine within your house; your children will be like olive shoots around your table. Yes, this will be the blessing for the man who fears the LORD. (Psalm 128:1-4)