Satan’s lies
- 4 September 2011
I really liked this video from the Arrows with one small qualification – it’s not money but rather ‘the love of money’ that’s a root of all kinds of evil (1Tim 6:10). How wonderful to hear quality musicianship coupled with an astute awareness of what’s really going on out there within the culture. The song of course captures the essence of satanic influence as it impacts young vulnerable adults growing up. Whilst not belittling for a moment the truth that the song proclaims I would dare to suggest that its not merely the lies of Satan that we must counter but also the noetic effects of the Fall. i.e., our own thinking is necessarily damaged & corrupted so that nothing we seek to comprehend apart from God’s word is wholly true. It is only ‘in His light that we see light’ (Ps 36:9) since ‘the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom’ (Prov 1:7). The implications of this are MASSIVE. I’ll seek to unpack the implications in future postings. The apostle Peter put it this way, ‘sanctify the Lord in your heart (i.e. mind) and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you ‘ (1Pet 3:15)
This is a particularly happy weekend for me – I finished scoring all the music for the Psalter & it’s now all up-loaded. Please tell others about Psalter21. Let me know (via the web-site) of any errors/typos/glitches, etc that you find. I’m very happy to adopt sensible suggestions I receive & edit what I’ve written. [Special thanks to Pat for proof-reading many of my early drafts – You’re a star!].
These lines are from the pen of from Marcellus Kik who after studying at both Princeton & Westminster Theological Seminary pastored churches in Canada for over 20 years and served as Associate Editor of Christianity Today. He writes,
‘The covenant concept of “all nations blessed” comes to the fore in the poetry of the psalter. The composers of the Book of Praise of the Old Testament looked for the triumph of the Church upon the earth. They rejoiced in this concept for it would redound to the glory of their God. There are no better missionary hymns than those contained in the Psalms. One of the contributing factors to the present day pessimism, gloominess, defeatism within the Church is the omission of Psalms from the hymn books. They should have first place. The best musical talent of the Church should be occupied with setting the Psalms to fitting music.’ [An Eschatology of Victory page 22/23]
It is my hope & prayer that psalm singing might be re-established in our Churches with the end in view of us realising more and more the full scope & future victory of Christ’s kingdom.