Psalter manuscript

Grace to You and Peace From Him (Revelation 1a)


This song represents my attempt to redeem a lovely tune.  The lyrics are drawn from Rev 1:4-8.  I’ve been greatly blessed reading this commentary (Things which must soon come to pass) by Philip Mauro.  This work, though written in 1925, deserves to be widely read.  As an ex-futurist (dispensational premillenialist) he argues thoroughly and convincingly against that system of interpretation that has swamped contemporary evangelicalism.  May the Lord restore the Churches sanity and wake us all up to what it is He is doing here & now in these days throughout His world and under His dominion.  Amen!  E-mail me for the guitar chords.

Tune = theme from M.A.S.H (listen here)

Grace to you and peace from Him
Who is and was and is to come
From Jesus Christ and also from
The spirit seven-fold!

These words the faithful Firstborn said
Provoking earthly kings to dread
And yield their terms of government to Him.

Ravished are we by His love
We’re called as kings and priests to God
For bleached and sanctified by blood
The Lord has honoured us

To Him great glory let there be
As mighty waters fill the sea
Till we are subject to His sovereign rule.

Coming with a fiery cloud
Every eye will soon behold
Especially those whose hearts were cold
The Lord of Calvary

All tribes of earth will then bemoan
With rebel sons of Abraham
That deaf and dull they were too blind to see!

Blessed are you who sense your need
Especially you who humbly heed
These solemn sacred words you read
Of ancient prophecy

For time’s beginning and it’s end
The risen Lord and sinner’s friend
Is destined soon to reign triumphantly!

Steve Layfield

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