The Falling Away (2Thessalonians 2)
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There’s a lawlessness most subtle in the air
A defiance most corrupting to the mind
Spreading poison and rebellion everywhere
Making countless multitudes both deaf and blind;
Making countless multitudes both deaf and blind.
Are the voices that you’re heeding wholly wise?
Do the friends you keep revere the laws of men?
Are you following the cravings of your eyes
Given over to the schemes of the Man of Sin?
Given over to the schemes of the Man of Sin?
Do you worship God alone in all you do?
Is He glorified in everything you see?
The apostle Paul foretold there would be few
That discern the coming lawless mystery,
That discern the coming lawless mystery.
Do you ever stop and question what your told?
Do you trust all that you read and what you hear?
Could it be that while you’re grazing in your fold
There are harmless looking foxes drawing near,
There are harmless looking foxes drawing near?
Do you marvel at the science on your shelf
Do you think the facts are brute in what they say?
Could it be the ‘holy grail’ is man himself
In the push for a humanistic Holiday?
In the push for a humanistic Holiday?
Are you following the Lamb of God alone?
Do His precepts and commands constrain your walk?
Could it be you have kow-towed to another throne
That’s bewitched your brain and sabotaged your talk,
That’s bewitched your brain and sabotaged your talk?
Very soon the Lord by the power of His word
Will uproot all wicked beasts and harlotry;
Then He’ll gather with His sickle for His sword
Every stony heart and foul apostasy,
Every stony heart and foul apostasy!
Steve Layfield – December 2012