Babel’s Legacy (Genesis 11)
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When the whole earth was as one, speaking one language
Spreading out west from the east to the land of Shinar
They found there a plain ‘neath the sun where they put down their anchor
Saying, ‘Come let our city be here with its crown in the stars’.
‘Let us make bricks from the clay using asphalt for mortar,
Let all of our voices together man’s glory proclaim;
Let the triumph and splendour of Babel – this noble endeavour –
Provoke flesh and blood o’er the earth to acknowledge our name’.
But the Lord came down
Arrayed in mighty power
And perceiving pride
Damned and condemned their lofty tower.
Confusing the speech and the tongue of those who were building
He scattered both families and tribes throughout every land
Immediately arches and domes were no more appealing,
Every culture and custom of man was compelled to expand.
Alas we today still attempt to ascend up to heaven
Bewitched by a secular ‘Credo’ we clamour for fame;
Giving heed to the poisonous lies of their humanist leaven,
We are deaf to the call holy Scripture to learn and proclaim.
But the Lord came down
Arrayed in mighty power
And perceiving pride
Damned and condemned their lofty tower.
O teach us then, Lord, to discern with faith and true wisdom
The creaturely nature of man and humanity’s Fall;
May Jesus alone be our King as we seek first Your kingdom
Till at last You are everywhere hailed as the Lord over all.
Steve Layfield – February 2013