Mark 12:1-12 > The Rejected Stone
A man once built a vineyard
With a wall secure around
Where a wine-press daily serviced
Precious fruit from out the ground.
That man moved on and, being gone,
Drew up a simple plan:
“I will rest a while and lease the land
Then see how it has done”.
The stone that we rejected
And still most hatefully despise
Became at Calvary a cornerstone –
How majestic is this marvel in our eyes!
When at last the harvest season
Arrived the owner sent
His servants on a mission
To reap some fruit for rent.
Disdained and empty-handed
He was greeted scornfully
And so returned, his Master spurned
Most disrespectfully.
Others likewise were commissioned
To restore the owner’s right,
Till at last he sent his only Son
Much more hopeful of his plight.
But full of hate they sealed his fate
And acted shamelessly,
With cruel nails they His hands impaled,
Then abused Him publically!
Could it be, O gracious Father,
We who bear the Saviour’s name,
Full of pride and false contrition,
Act in many ways the same?
We’ve compromised and fraternized
Inside the city gate,
Consigning Him who knew no sin
Outside to horrid hate.
The stone that we rejected
And still most hatefully despise
Became at Calvary a cornerstone –
How majestic is this marvel in our eyes!
Steve Layfield – May 2013