Quill and writing

Rousas J Rushdoony

This man more than any other has taught me to comprehend what Christianity & the Bible is all about.  To all who read this, who are hungry and thirsty for real spiritual nourishment, who are tired of shallow platitudes and sense in their hearts that Scripture ought to be much more relevant to the whole of life, let me warmly commend this man & his ministry freely available here [Go to Research & then Audio].  His son Mark Rushdoony has compiled the web-site & is himself an insightful man; but he stands upon the giant shoulders of his father.  May the Lord be pleased to raise up a new generation of thoughtful and passionate Christians who LOVE God’s Law, seek to keep His commandments and bring every thought captive to Christ.  [I have a short-cut on my desk-top to a Word document in which I’ve embedded an updateable hyperlink taking me to where I am listening to Rushdoony on a daily basis].  There are over 2000 messages here!  THANK YOU Chalcedon for making this treasury of truth freely available.  May the Lord richly bless you for doing so.  I look forward to visiting you some day to pay personal tribute to you for the help it has been to me!
