Psalter manuscript

Romans 8: 29-39 > Foreknown & Predestined


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Foreknown and predestined,
We’re heavenly brethren
Bearing the likeness
Of Jesus the Son!
Sanctified freely,
Appointed for glory,
Decreed from the start
To be close to God’s heart
In the kingdom to come!

Decreed from the start
To be close to God’s heart
In the kingdom to come!

Wherefore as we journey,
When infidels gainsay,
The Lord will defend us
And stand by our side;
Our Saviour now risen
Shall make intercession
Declaring true saints
Midst the howl of complaints
By His blood justified!

Declaring true saints
Midst the howl of complaints
By His blood justified!

Not sparing His own Son
For the trespass of Eden,
He gives to us all things
From bounties above.
Who then will endeavour
From Christ us to sever?
Though we stumble and fall
None can hinder our call
To the feast of His love.

Though we stumble and fall
None shall hinder our call
To the feast of His love.

Steve Layfield – copyright

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