Isaiah 61 – The Spirit of God is upon me
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The Spirit of God is upon me constraining my tongue
I must preach to the poor the good news of the kingdom to come
Throw open the gates very wide
Unshackle the prisoners inside
Then comfort the contrite in heart who are saints of the Son!
Discard all your garments of mourning, be deeply consoled
Your desolate cities shall be healed from corruptions of old
Foreign children and strangers will stand
Beautifying the vines of your land
And feed with the choicest of grain all the flocks of your fold
With esteem every mouth shall address us as priests of the Lord
‘Honoured servants of Christ’ far and wide we’ll be gallantly called
Feasting richly on treasures of kings
‘Neath the shelter of heavenly wings
We’ll rejoice as a people redeemed in a paradise restored
All the works of our hands will be wrought in the rays of God’s light
Instead of confusion and fear all that’s wrong will be right
Generations will holiness know
In the fear of the Lord they will grow
As the covenant mercy of Christ overshadows the night
Solemn joy in the depth of my soul will compel me to sing
As a sanctified bride bearing jewels and a beautiful ring
For the nations at last will be blessed
With the promise of heavenly rest
Causing praise to spring forth through the earth for the One who is King!
Steve Layfield –