Psalter manuscript

Isaiah 66 – Heaven is My Throne


Heav’n is My throne and the earth like a stone
Where the soles of My feet are relaxed and invisibly resting;
So why for the sake of My fame do you make
In the sight of all men hollow rites full of feasting and jesting?
For all that you see in the past came to be
In a moment time as My word was creatively spoken;
Everything that you feel is in truth only real
As a feature of personal artistry ancient awoken!

When you sacrifice lamb, O you slayer of man,
You atone for the sins of a phantom unseen ‘neath the shadows;
Holding steadfast your nerve subtle idols you serve
Unaware that your heart is being ripened for God’s holy gallows.
You feign and pretend that the Lord is your friend
Overlooking the need for repentance and faith while assembling;
Suppressing your fear you refuse to draw near
Contradicting the Word that you hear with no trace of heart-trembling!

Hear the voice of the Lord you who hallow His Word,
‘When your brethren despise you and demonise all that you stand for,
Their counterfeit peace full of laughter will cease
When the Truth they’ve assailed will them silence and leave with no answer;
The Lord in that Day will confront and repay
Every false-hearted priest by the breath of His mouth in a moment;
Their unholy plight full of selfish delight
Will undo them at last before fuelling the flames for their torment!

But a remnant will grow bright and strong even so
And establish the glorious reign of the crown Prince of heaven
Foreign tongues will declare every day, everywhere,
His invisible reign as it spreads with the subtleness of leaven;
In fullness of time we shall banish all crime
By commending God’s Law and the censure of every law-breaker
Holy seed that remains will advance and reclaim
What in Eden was lost giving glory and praise to its Maker!

Steve Layfield – June 2014    (tune = psalm 41)

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