Psalter manuscript

Ephesians 2:1-6 > When I was Dead as Stone


When I was dead as stone in trespasses and sin,
A rebel in the way I walked;
Pursuing selfishness according to this world,
Corrupted in the way I talked;

He made me hear His mighty voice
And I became alive!
Amidst confusion and great noise
He made me realise!

When I was foolish in the way I used to think,
Held captive by a cruel prince;
Demonic influence distorted my beliefs,
Promoting disobedience;

Our God beholding Jesus Christ
Rained mercy from above!
He sought and saved me by His grace
And marked me for His love!

Once I was led by lust, fulfilling dark desire,
Enslaved by evil in my mind;
I followed self-deceit and vain autonomy
A child of wrath, born deaf and blind;

But now His word has quickened me
And comforted my cry
His mighty hand lifted me
And seated me on high!

Steve Layfield – July 2014 Copyright:

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