Ephesians 1:13-23 > Blessed God of Jesus Christ
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Blessed God of Jesus Christ,
Gracious Father, full of glory
Open wide my feeble eyes
To the gospel story…
May the prospect of my mind
Be receptive and enlightened;
Many falter being blind,
Snared by their horizon…
Superseding all dominion
Jesus is supreme over all;
On His throne within the heavens,
Filling with His fullness all in all, in the world, big and small!
Show to me the living hope,
Through the Spirit, of His calling;
Help me comprehend its scope
As the Day is dawning…
Awesome His omnipotence,
Helping all who Him are trusting;
Grant us therefore now a sense
Of Your wondrous blessing
Superseding all dominions,
Jesus is supreme over all;
On His throne within the heavens,
Filling with His fullness all in all, in the world, big and small!
Steve Layfield – June 2014 Copyright: Psalter21.com