God is Just
- 14 June 2015
We just finished watching these two parts of ‘Mugabe & the White African’. The TRUE story highlights the urgent need for us (the Christian Church) to reflect very carefully upon the need to establish justice in the public sphere. Isaiah 42 tells us, “He will not fail nor be discouraged, till He has established justice in the earth; and the coastlands shall wait for His law.” God alone is competent to determine true justice. Samuel Rutherford declared in Lex Rex that ‘that is a crime that God says is a crime; & that is a just punishment which God says is a just punishment.’ It really is that simple. The details of this have are explained in Stephen Halbrook’s excellent treatise: God is Just. The pdf is freely available here. I’ve downloaded & up-loaded the book here also. Read it, think carefully & prayerfully ask God to open your heart to the comprehension of true justice. Thank you so much Stephen for sharing freely your work with fellow saints who desperately need to hear & heed this message today!