Psalter manuscript

Isaiah 53 – Unbelievable!


Who has trusted in God’s testimony,
Seen God’s hand in history?
He who bore mankind’s iniquity,
Freely justifies!

As a tender plant before Him, as a root out of dry ground
He shall grow up without form or comeliness
With our eyes we have disdained Him, nothing worthy in Him found
We have turned aside our footsteps from His face;
Man of sorrows; of the outcasts He was chief;
Yet He surely bore our misery and grief!

We esteemed the Saviour smitten, struck down by God on high
The chastisement of our peace upon Him lay
For the wounds of our transgressions stirred the anguish of His cry
By His stripes He healed the sheep who’d gone astray;
We have turned, every one, to his own path
For the sake of which Christ suffered holy wrath!

In the midst of that oppression He opened not His mouth
Like a sheep before its shearers silence reigned
In the heat of that affliction, like a lamb ‘neath butcher’s knife
Cruel courtiers with blasphemy Him blamed
He was taken from that prison without spare
And who His generation can declare?

For the sake of our transgression He was cut off from the land,
Vicious scoundrels there condemned beside Him stood;
For His people He was stricken, for it pleased God’s holy hand
Him to bruise as outpoured sacrificial blood.
Never had deceit embittered once His breath;
With the rich He was anointed at His death.

He shall see beyond tomorrow the enlargement of His seed
A posterity throughout earth’s brightest days;
The fulfilment of His sorrow will gladden Him indeed
He will know the pleasure of the Lord always!
With a portion for the great He will be blessed
Having purchased for transgressors heaven’s rest!

Steve Layfield – October 2017

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