Psalter manuscript

Isaiah 29b: Future Recovery of Wisdom


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All the dessert plains of Lebanon
Shall a verdant pasture soon become –
Every valley turned into a fruitful field!
There a fruitful field will be magnified
As a forest yield standing tall with pride
For the ears of its inhabitants shall hear!

Then the darkest mind shall perceive a ray
Being no more be blind, it will walk the Way
And the humble-hearted pilgrims shall rejoice
To the Lord the poorest shall belong
With a heart of joy they’ll raise their song
Glorifying Jesus, Israel’s Holy One!

Glory, glory, glory!
Loud, your anthem raise
Sing redemption’s story
Render God true praise
Now and ever, always,
For the rest of your days!

Cruel lips and scornful tongues shall cease
In a world transformed by holy peace
And the watchers of iniquity are gone;
No more shall scoundrels turn aside
God’s noble seers with vicious pride
Pretending they are honourable gentlemen!

Glory, glory, glory!
Loud, your anthem raise
Sing redemption’s story
Render God true praise
Now and ever, always,
For the rest of your days!

Never more shall Jacob be ashamed
But rather Abraham redeemed
Nor shall the skin upon his face grow dim;
His children – countless like the dust
Shall stand uprightly in his midst
And hallow God’s most high and lofty Name!

Glory, glory, glory!
Loud, your anthem raise
Sing redemption’s story
Render God true praise
Now and ever, always,
For the rest of your days!

Then the fear of God shall illuminate
Every humble pilgrim, small or great
And the Church of Christ shall sing in unison;
Hellish heresies hitherto concealed
By God’s holy truth shall be revealed
Every stubborn, simple soul shall understand!

Glory, glory, glory!
Loud, your anthem raise
Sing redemption’s story
Render God true praise
Now and ever, always,
For the rest of your days!

Steve Layfield
[Tune = the Banner Man
Passage = Isaiah 29: 17-24 The Future Glorification of the Earth as the Kingdom of God is made manifest & is established, displacing ungodliness & superficiality in Religion!]

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