Behold Lady Justice
- 14 May 2024

Behold Lady Justice’s form
Let each detail enrapture your eyes
Profound mystery is displayed here to see
With the promise to make you more wise [Phil 4:8]
Personified beauty she bears
With loveliness under her gown
Seraphic her face, filled up with God’s grace
From the soul of her foot to her crown [Prov 8]
Chained scales she holds forth in her hand
As judgement according to truth
When exercised right we’ll walk in her light
If we for her yearn in our youth [Lev 19:15; Rom 2:11]
The goal of our temporal lives
In all that before her we do
Is humbly to learn and wisely discern
All that’s beautiful holy and true [Ps 1:2]
The sword pointing down to the ground
With edges well sharpened and straight
She wields in her hands in all civilised lands
With strength as the Lord’s magistrate [Rom 13:3,4]
Thick blindfold obscuring her eyes
Surrounding the locks of her hair
Connotes she decides without pity or bribes
Being wholly consistent and fair [Deut 16:19]
The serpent subverting her ways
She crushes completely on head
It’s certain in time she’ll vanquish all crime
For fierce is the force of her tread [Rom 16:20]
The ground of her confident stand
Is scripture from heaven revealed
Her every thought starts in the seat of her heart
Where God’s holy law is concealed [Ps 119:11; 2Cor 10:4-6]
Earth’s coastlands still eagerly wait
As residents poised at the door
Christ’s kingdom shall dawn like the sunlight each morn
By the precepts and truth of God’s law [Is 42:4; Prov 4:18]
With resolve and great strength in her hands
She bears every trouble and blast
The beams of her countenance bristle with confidence
Sin will be shattered at last [Heb 12:2,3]
The glorious saints of Christ’s reign
Advance while promoting her ways
By Spirit and prayer they sing everywhere
Great anthems of heavenly praise [Ps 16:3; 57:8; Eph 5:19-21]
A smoldering flax she’ll not quench
Nor ever a bruised reed she’ll break
Her voice may be heard ‘neath the chirp of a bird
Where the fear of the Lord makes men quake [Is 42;3; Is 66:2]