Welcome to Psalter21
Contemporary Christianity is in crisis. It has reduced the content of its message to a bare minimum. It says, in effect, ‘Christianity is a lifestyle choice in the context of alternatives’. The Bible’s message however, whilst finding application at the individual level, calls for the transformation of the whole world and renewal by the Holy Spirit.
The kingdom of God is to be found wherever the authority of God and His word (the Bible) are acknowledged and embraced. Our obligation to submit to God’s rule of law applies as much to academia, the family, commerce, civil authorities and international law agencies etc, as it does to the individual. The fruit of sin is to be seen everywhere. God’s purpose in redemption is to destroy sin’s power and dominion in every realm. Right now, God is working out His purposes to reverse Eden’s curse, to redeem humanity and to restore fully ‘the crown rights of Jesus Christ’ over creation (Psalm 110).
This new Psalter was produced to help advance this goal. Jesus said, ‘You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free’ (Jn 8:32). It is my heartfelt prayer and desire that a new generation of Christians might be awoken from their slumbers to lay hold of the glorious inheritance promised throughout Scripture. We are living in momentous times. Satan may appear strong and his power at times seems overwhelming. The time is ripe for real soldiers of Christ to stand up for biblical truth in the public square. May it please God to put a new song of hope and victory into the hearts of all who, like the children of Issachar, “understand the times and know what they should do” (1 Chronicles 12v32).
For a more detailed consideration of the needs of the hour see my blog. I wish to thank friends and family alike for their encouragement along the way – there’s been much hostility and opposition too! ‘Ad melior Deum gloriam’
Steve Layfield – April 2014
P.S. Please use the Psalter as you see fit. Do let me know of ways I might improve it!