Psalter manuscript

Step Up to the Plate – be a Caleb


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[Tune = How Much Do You Think You are Worth – Graham Kendrick]

As you trundle your way through the dessert
Do you pine for those feasts from the past?
When, in Egypt’s abundant provision,
You were rarely reduced to this fast!

Is the scope of your view your horizon?
Are the storm-clouds descending your goal?
Was the remit of Jesus’ Commission
Just part of this world – not the whole?

Well how much are you yearning for Canaan?
Are you hungry for Christ and His rest?
Do you prize how the Lord has redeemed you,
Giving thanks the ways you’ve been blessed?

Do you doubt the resources of Jesus
Can Apollyon’s rule overcome?
Do the words of your songs and petitions
Drown the sound from the beat of His drum?

Have the faithless forebodings of scoffers
Terrified you of tall Anakim?
Have you hearkened to lies from those cowardly spies
Who have argued, “We’ll never get in!”?

Yes, how much are you yearning for Canaan?
Are you hungry for Christ and His rest?
Do you prize how the Lord has redeemed you,
Giving thanks the ways you’ve been blessed?

Are you thinking that Joshua’s courage
To move forwards and conquer the foe,
Smells more like defeat and a time to retreat
Than the time to make ready your bow?

Do you fear lest the gospel you’re preaching
Cannot vanquish the world and its ways?
Do you doubt that the Lord will be with you
To the very last hour of your days?
Are you straight on the course you’re pursuing
With your hand firmly fixed to the plough?
If there’s fear in your eye, turn aside, pass on by,
Eden’s loss shall be gained, all that’s broken reclaimed
By the crucified, conquering Son!

Step on up to the plate – be a Caleb;
Don’t be tempted by doubt or dismay;
Look, the shadows of night are retreating,
Making room for dawning of Day – wondrous New Day!

Steve Layfield – March 2016      [For my own grandson – Caleb]

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