Psalter manuscript

Jeremiah 11 – The Broken Covenant


Surely we’ve broken
God’s holy covenant
Spoken through Moses
Deep in earth’s past;
Wherefore our nation
Now is forsaken
Suff’ring the curse of
God’s angry blast.

Holy allegiance
Pledged our obedience
Firmly to precepts
Wrought by God’s hand;
Freed from the furnace
Once we were earnest
Steadfastly heeding
Sinai’s commands.

Careless new leaders
Daily mislead us
Wilfully spurning
Ancient decrees;
Like our forefathers
They have ensnared us
Under oppression
Down on our knees!

Covenant treason’s
Plainly the reason
We are enslaved ‘neath
Humanist laws;
In Your forbearance
Grant us repentance
Raise up true preachers
With zeal for Your cause.

Deep our deception
Shunning correction,
Idols obscuring
Covenant truth;
False to Christ’s calling
We have forsaken
Covenant training
To covenant youth.


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