Galilee was bustling with feasting for a weddingJesus’ friends and family together made the journeyOthers drawn from far away and nearWere gladly celebrating thereGreat jubilation all felt keenlyThe room was filled with joyTheir convocation passed serenely Somewhere in that moment from nowhere loomed a crisisMaking one and all there suddenly feel nervousSo Mary ran to […]
Behold the whitened fieldsBut where are the labourers?Pray to the risen LordFor willing hands and harvestersAs lambs among fierce wolvesBe wise and go your way! Within the city streetsShow forth gospel powerBind up each broken heartRedeem each fleeting hourIf heaven they disdainShake dust upon their floor! Every house you shelter inBestow your gift of peaceThey […]
(Luke 9:57-62) Would you follow after Jesus?Would you walk His narrow way?Can you bear with indignationWhen they scorn the things you say?Is your conversation salty?Is there oil inside your lamp?Do you His reproach bear gladlyBy yourself outside the camp? Birds of heaven shelter safelyIn the confines of their nest,Where secure they feed their hatchlingsWhile their […]
Heading to a city,Jesus once was hungry,So He turned aside;Finding on a fig treeNothing for His journeyJesus, in His stride,Cursed it for its lack of fruit,“Evermore in branch and rootThis fig tree will be barren!” Whereupon that fig treeCame that instant to beWithered through and through;Noting its destructionJesus this conclusionFor His brethren drew:Though your faith […]
The disciples came to Jesus one day,“One big question stands in our way.Of all sunbeams in the kingdom of GodWho’s the brightest ray?Who is foremost in the kingdom of GodWho should sit as chief in our squad?Who of all that seek to lead for our causeMight we give the nod?” Jesus:“He’s the greatest in the […]
Sometimes what we read we hearNot comprehending what God’s sayingSometimes, when the truth is clear,You don’t want to hear it rightFor darkness disdains the light Sometimes in the field good seedFalls under footprints on the waysideThere the hungry ravens feedUnder the mid-day sunSoon all the seed is gone Have you imbibed God’s holy Word?Is its […]
See the cosmic warfare ragingFor the souls of everyone:Throughout mankind, the pulse of every mindExtolls the dragon or the Son. In the wilderness mere mannaTruth and righteousness sustain;There abides the loveliest of BridesAnticipating Jesus’ reign. From the foulest water-fountainUndiscerning masses drink;Let earth below absorb its septic flow;So dry bones wisely learn to think. Help us […]
Blessed are the poor in spirit For heaven shall be theirs; Such noble ones, as regal sons Of heaven, resurrection, And God’s kingdom, are true heirs! Blessed are the broken hearted Who see injustice done. Before too long, a tranquil song Will comfort all their grieving; Every tear cried shall be gone! Blessed are the […]
God has said That as His creatures we must live obediently To all His Law And nothing more Attending to each tiny stroke consistently Don’t you know? Right and wrong To every man has been revealed with certainty Our actions show Deep down we know That we are wired for truthfulness accountably Yes indeed! Let […]
If I speak the language of angels up above, Can fathom every mystery and prophecy, But do so with an absence of graciousness or love I nothing am and nothing gain Though all the world think differently About me And what I’ve done, I’m just a noisy gong! Love is kind and patient and selfless […]